יום שישי, 23 באוקטובר 2015

Compassion as a basic for Heuristic Leaderships

Heuristic Leadership is based on problem-solving protocol that any business or profession can employ to achieve extraordinary results.
Compassion is having the quality of “feeling-with” and deep empathy.
Compassion is a feeling of deep sympathy accompanied by a strong desire to alleviate the suffering, find a solution. Compassion comes from Medieval Latin passiōn- (stem of passiō) and a variant of preposition cum- with.
When you sympathize with someone, you have compassion for that person, but you don’t necessarily feel her feelings.

Heuristic Leadership principles combined with Compassion:

1.   Understand the problem: 
Get an initial understanding of the problem. Doing it right is perhaps the most important of all the steps. Compassion is taken a step further, where a person feels empathy and then a desire to help alleviate the suffering/ need of the other person. Another way to say it is defining the right problem to solve. Participation usually involves immersion and the intense cross examination of the filters that have been employed in defining a problem. In heuristic Leadership observation takes center stage. Observation can discern what people really do as opposed to what you are told that they do. Observe users, visit them in their (work) environment, and observe physical spaces and places. The emphasis here is on action i.e. wanting to help. Having compassion for another requires one to put the other person first, imagine what the person is going through, and then consider ways in which to help the person feel better and cope. 

2.   Interpret the results:
Interpret the empirical findings. Focus on human values and needs. Have empathy for the people, solicit user feedback, and use it in their designs. Compassion is taken a step further, where a person feels empathy and then a desire to help alleviate the suffering of the other person. 

3.   Generate ideas (Ideate):
Engage in brainstorming sessions to generate as many ideas as possible (expand the solution space)

4.   Prototype, experiment:
Build prototypes and share them with other people (narrow down the solution space again, experimental phase)

5.   Test, implement, improve:
Test, implement, and refine the design (narrow down the solution space again; solution-driven phase)

When you sympathize with someone, you have compassion for that person, but you don’t necessarily feel her feelings. It helps you to understand the problem, and generate the ideas. Compassion is strongly linked to the principle of diversity. Collaborate with people from various backgrounds and respects their viewpoints; enable “breakthrough insights and solutions to emerge from the diversity”.

יום רביעי, 21 באוקטובר 2015

Heuristic Leader based on Holland Codes

 The word heuristic was derived from Archimedes’ famous exclamation 'Eureka!', when he discovered, during a bath, a method for determining whether King Hiero’s golden crown was in fact made of pure gold. A heuristic technique (Ancient Greek: εὑρίσκω, "find" or "discover"), often called simply a heuristic, is any approach to problem solving, learning, or discovery that employs a practical method not guaranteed to be optimal or perfect, but sufficient for the immediate goals.  According to Holland Codes there are six personality types. The heuristic Leader has to have the combination of all the six types.
Realistic type
Realistic leaders frequently involve with work activities that include practical, hands-on problems, and solutions. Many of them like working outside, and do not involve a lot of paperwork or working closely with others.
Investigative type
Investigative leaders are working with ideas that require an extensive amount of thinking. These leaders involve searching for facts and figuring out problems mentally.
Artistic type
Often require self-expression and their work can be done without following a clear set of rules.
Social type
Social Leaders are best in communicating with, and teaching people.
Enterprising type
Frequently involve starting up and carrying out projects. These ways leading people and making many decisions. Sometimes they require risk taking, and they often deal with business.
Conventional type
These leaders can include working with data and details more than with ideas. There is usually a clear line of authority to follow.
Heuristic Leader can't lead the world by himself. They have the ability to work as a part of a team, required to have a broad view of the program, have holistic consideration and collaborate with others in order to achieve this goal. The Heuristic Leader should work in a team; locally and globally. He should be a master in collaboration using all his communication skills.

יום שבת, 10 באוקטובר 2015

Heuristic Educational Leader

Heuristic Educational Leaders are most useful in education for high precision situations. Heuristic Educational Leadership should be consistent innovation, effective integration of technology, meaningful professional development, global connecting and an open mind. Heuristic is encouraging a person to learn, discover, understand, or solve problems on his or her own, as by experimenting, evaluating possible answers or solutions, or by trial and error. As the name suggests Heuristic Educational Leaders are capable of leading at constant tension irrespective of the load acting on them.
Heuristic Educational Leadership, according to Nir Golan, educational and leadership expert, is the owner of Grade-less teaching scheme. Grade-less teaching scheme succeeds in expanding student's outlooks and enhancing their ability to perform Quality work independent of institutional coercion.
The goal is to discourage students who aren’t interested in education for its own sake. This way their motivation for schooling will be knowledge-based, not grade-based.
At first, students are confused by the Heuristic educator's refusal to grade their work. Gradually, though, the A students begin to turn in excellent work, and soon after, B and C students also begin joining class discussions with unprecedented enthusiasm.
Heuristic Educational Leader must have the following essential skill sets:
1.   Technological proficiency: expertise in all the digital nets and tools
2.   Collaboration: the ability to work as a part of a team, required to have a broad view of the project, have holistic consideration and collaborate with others in order to achieve this goal.
3.   Communication: message transfer and transformation
4.   Global awareness: a whole world vision
5.   Problem solving: analyzing and perfectionism
6.   Creativity: thinking out of the box
7.   Critical thinking: evaluation skills
8.   Tolerance to diversity: accepting the other

Best students showed a strong preference for not being graded. Heuristic Educator Leader observes that giving grades serves to obscure bad teaching, but also notes that it is unfair of him to refuse to give grades without giving students a positive goal to work towards.

יום שישי, 9 באוקטובר 2015

Design Thinking and Heuristic Leadership

Heuristic leader main mission is to define a Need while using Critical Thinking & Global Awareness
·      Critical thinking: Critical thinking is the intellectually disciplined process of actively and skillfully conceptualizing, applying, analyzing, synthesizing, and/or evaluating information gathered from.
·      Global awareness: a conceptual understanding based upon an applicable knowledge of global and cultural perspectives.
Than the Heuristic leader transforms it from Strategy to Action while using Problem Solving & Proactive Creativity
·      Problem solving: the ability to use cognitive processing in order to find a solution to a difficult question or situation.
·      Creativity: the ability to transcend traditional ideas, rules, patters, relationships, and to create meaningful new ideas, the ability to make new things or think of new ideas, forms, methods, interpretations, etc.
This process is improved by using Design Thinking methodology.
The Design Thinking methodology first defines the problem and then implements the solutions, always with the needs of the people demographic at the core of concept development. This process focuses on need finding, understanding, creating, thinking, and doing. At the core of this process is a bias towards action and creation: by creating and testing something, the Heuristic leader continues to learn and improve upon his initial ideas. A heuristic Leader uses a mental shortcut that helps him make decisions and judgments quickly without having to spend a lot of time researching and analyzing information.
There are several different categories or types of heuristic leaders. The most intelligent heuristic leaders make dumb decisions: availability, representativeness, and base-rate heuristics.

The design thinking process consists of these 6 steps:

EMPATHIZE: Work to fully understand the experience of the people. The Heuristic leader does this through observation, interaction, and immersing yourself in their experiences.

DEFINE: Process and synthesize the findings from the Heuristic leader empathy work in order to form a people point of view. The best way is the heuristic way:  a process or representation or a short-cut or strategy for achieving an outcome or discovery that is not guaranteed or proven in a formal system.

IDEATE: Explore a wide variety of possible solutions through generating a large quantity of diverse possible solutions, allowing the Heuristic leader to step beyond the obvious and explore a range of ideas.

PROTOTYPE: Transform ideas into a physical form so that the Heuristic leader experiences and interacts with them and, in the process, learn and develop more empathy.

TEST: Try out high-resolution products and use observations and feedback to evaluate the prototype.

FOCUS: Reassessment of the solution. Back to the first stage to refine the prototypes, learn more about the users, and refine the original point of view.
Heuristic Leader should dare and be brave. Heuristic Leader involves making decisions using critical thinking, with wisdom and a clear mind. Heuristic Leader is not afraid to use his critical abilities to lead forward even if it's against all other opinions. He is confident of the decisions that he makes. His eyes are wide open to analyze the situation in a critically sharp way.

Heuristic leaders are most useful in the world for high precision situations. Heuristic leadership should be consistent innovation, effective integration of technology, meaningful professional development, global connecting and an open mind while using Design Thinking methodology.

יום שלישי, 6 באוקטובר 2015

Vladimir Putin as a successful Heuristic Leader

Heuristic Leader involves making decisions using critical thinking, with wisdom and a clear mind. Vladimir Putin as a Heuristic Leader is brave in the way he is making decisions. Heuristic Leader is not afraid to use his critical abilities to lead forward even if it's against all other opinions. He is confident of the decisions that he makes. His eyes are wide open to analyze the situation in a critically sharp way.
“Nations shouldn’t be forced to all conform to the same development model that somebody has declared the only appropriate one,” Vladimir Putin declared at the United Nations. The Soviet Union, he said, had once sought to export “social experiments, pushing for changes in other countries for ideological reasons, and this often led to tragic consequences and caused degradation instead of progress.”
A heuristic Leader uses a mental shortcut that helps him make decisions and judgments quickly without having to spend a lot of time researching and analyzing information.
Vladimir Putin is much more powerful and brave than he was before, and Russia has only expanded its sphere of influence.
“Of course, political and social problems have been piling up for a long time in this region, and people there wanted change,” Vladimir Putin said at the United Nations, where he spoke for the first time in a decade. “But what was the actual outcome?”
Vladimir Putin as a Heuristic Leader is using Critical thinking with Global awareness. Critical thinking is the intellectually disciplined process of actively and skillfully conceptualizing, applying, analyzing, synthesizing, and/or evaluating information gathered from.
Global awareness: a conceptual understanding based upon an applicable knowledge of global and cultural perspectives.
Many have variously interpreted Vladimir Putin’s intervention in Syria as a response to domestic pressures caused by an economy faltering with the drop in oil prices and sanctions imposed after Crimea; a desire to change the subject from Ukraine; or a reassertion of Russia’s position in the Middle East.
Vladimir Putin as a Heuristic Leader is using Problem solving: the ability to use cognitive processing in order find a solution to a difficult question or situation.
Heuristic leadership encompasses many different facets, tools, and applications to support and empower Heuristic leaders. This way is the only way to survive our repeatedly changed world. Heuristic Leadership T4 steps Model based on the Significant Individual Learning model (SIL) was developed by Nir Golan, educational and leadership expert, in order to help leaders to develop their uniqueness leadership in the Digital Age.

The power of Heuristic Leadership T4 steps Model is by integrating all the skills. Heuristic leaders like Vladimir Putin are most useful in the world for high precision situations. Heuristic leadership should be consistent innovation, effective integration of technology, meaningful professional development, global connecting and an open mind.
The lesson Vladimir Putin said he learned was that only the strong hand of the state could avoid the economic and political chaos that consumed Russia in the 1990's. That belief is widely shared in Russia, and is one reason for Vladimir Putin’s genuine popularity at home. It is an excellent example for a Habitual Vision.
Heuristic Leadership T4 steps model is an instructional tool that effectively uses technology to strengthen a leader's experience. It is based on technology that is in constant progress, it emphasizes high-quality instruction and provides access to challenging content, opportunities for leading anytime and anywhere. Because of all the technology changes and innovations, there is a need for a model that organizes the Heuristic Leadership process into a chain of links.

יום שני, 5 באוקטובר 2015

A heuristic Leader uses a mental shortcut

A heuristic Leader uses a mental shortcut that helps him make decisions and judgments quickly without having to spend a lot of time researching and analyzing information.
There are several different categories or types of heuristic leaders. The most intelligent heuristic leaders make dumb decisions: availability, representativeness, and base-rate heuristics.
Assigning the correct types of heuristic can help suggest the best corrective measures to heuristic leaders.
Availability Heuristic is a mental shortcut that helps leader makes a decision based on how easy it is to bring something to mind. The heuristic leader relies on how easy it is to think of examples when making a decision or judgment.
The problem with the availability heuristic is that when he assumes that if several examples are readily available in his mind, the event or subject matter is commonplace. But that assumption is not always correct.

Representativeness Heuristic is mental shortcut that helps the heuristic leader makes a decision by comparing information to his mental prototypes. This heuristic saves time and energy. The heuristic leader makes a snap decision and assumption without thinking very much. Unfortunately, many examples of the representativeness heuristic involve succumbing to stereotypes.

Base-Rate Heuristic is mental shortcut that helps make a decision based on probability. The vision that the Heuristic Leader should create is a result of the output of problem solving and innovation. This habitual vision is a combination of both problem solving and innovation.
Heuristic Leadership T4 steps model is an instructional tool that effectively uses technology to strengthen a leader's experience. It is based on technology that is in constant progress, it emphasizes high-quality instruction and provides access to challenging content, opportunities for leading anytime and anywhere.
Because of all the technology changes and innovations, there is a need for a model that organizes the Heuristic Leadership process into a chain of links.
Heuristic Leadership T4 steps Model based on the Significant Individual Learning model (SIL), was developed by Nir Golan, educational and leadership expert, in order to help leaders to develop their uniqueness leadership in the Digital Age.

Heuristic leaders are most useful in the world for high precision situations. Heuristic leadership should be consistent innovation, effective integration of technology, meaningful professional development, global connecting and an open mind. Heuristic leaders can conduct usability testing to further examine potential issues.